Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Date with Dates!

I've been hearing how good dates are for you, so I decided to pick some up!

Dried Dates

I generally like dried fruit so...why not?

Dates come from the Date Palm, a tree usually found in the Middle East and Northern Africa.  They are often used in Mediterranean dishes.  (Why didn't I know that?!)   They are eaten fresh and dried, and are known to promote intestinal health, prevent weight gain and fight abdominal cancer (Date info). That sounds good to me!

I was too afraid to buy a whole bag of dates so, I picked up a few in the bulk food section of Whole Foods.

I thought they tasted like a raisin-ish prune.... I think.  (Miss J. called it a "praisin"....whatever.)

ANYWAY, while I would rather eat some raisins or a prune, I think I will chop the remaining dates and add them to my favorite Organic Instant Oatmeal (which I will share soon)!

Confession: Ok...so, I didn't actually eat this bowl of oatmeal with the dates on top. (sigh)  The chopped dates scared me a bit, so....I told J-bird he could take this picture, with my camera, IF he ate the oatmeal with the dates on top. He went for it. (A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.)

J - Wouldn't try one.  He said he's had them before and doesn't like them.  : /
Miss J - Wouldn't try them either...no surprise here.
J-Bird - "They're ok".  : /  He has always liked prunes though!

Have you ever tried dates?  Do you "do" anything with them?  Please let me know if you decide to try them!!

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